Author: Anna Chappell

Giving Thanks, Even When…

Recently, a young woman visited our Women’s Clinic for an ultrasound appointment. After confirming her pregnancy with a pregnancy test, we prepared her for the ultrasound. Based on the date of her last menstrual period, she was estimated to be 7 weeks pregnant. However, the ultrasound revealed that her baby was actually 14 weeks old,

The Abortion Pill

Our recent newsletter highlighted a significant change in women’s behavior regarding pregnancy tests. It seems that more and more women are opting to take the test as early as four weeks after conception. This shift in behavior may be linked to the rising demand for the abortion pill, which is becoming a popular and accessible

The Church’s Role

When a woman is facing an unplanned or unwanted pregnancy, there is a very real culture of death that sits at the ready to speak fear and despair into her situation. Like vultures prepared to devour her, the powers of Hell gawk and squawk as she stumbles through her crisis. Everywhere she looks, there is

Trust Jesus

Today’s women have access to more information than any generation before them at their literal fingertips, thanks to the internet and smartphones. However, this abundance of information can be overwhelming and lead to impulsive decision-making without considering the consequences. Many young women make decisions about their bodies based on a quick video or post they

Why should I support my local pregnancy center?

Close your eyes and imagine that you’re 17 years old. You’re in the middle of your senior year of high school with your whole life ahead. You have a lot going on in your life, including your friends, school, scholarship applications, football games, band practice, and family obligations. However, you have hit a wall. You’ve