Unto Us, a Child is Born…

God’s intent from the start was to save humanity by sending His son to live a sinless life, die on the cross, and be resurrected, thus defeating sin and death for all who believed. This plan hinged on timing. At precisely the right moment in history, a child was born to carry out this divine mission.

In a cold, dark cave intended for housing sacrificial lambs, a young mother and poor father welcomed their newborn. Amidst the bleak surroundings, a glimmer of hope shone through as a baby lay wrapped in funeral clothes while the heavens sang out in praise on a hillside in Judea. The Father had intricately planned every detail, signifying that this child would atone for the sins of the world, not just for the Jews but also for the Gentiles – for all of us.

The wonder and the awe that must have filled the hearts of Mary and Joseph that night can be experienced by every believer who has beheld the promise of our Savior and King. Jesus’ birth, foretold in the annals of the Old Testament patriarchs and prophets, fulfills the longing in every heart that “God is with us.” As we celebrate the advent, we can relate to those who were waiting for the promise to arrive. Our world seems to grow darker and colder with each passing day, and even the most vulnerable among us are not safe.

The miracle of Jesus’ birth was clouded by a prideful king’s wicked deeds. Upon hearing the news of Jesus’ arrival, King Herod ordered the slaughter of thousands of baby boys. Unfortunately, this is not a unique story. While a new life should bring hope and joy to a family, some see children as an impediment and allow evil and pride to take over. Abortion is a sad and ongoing example of this, claiming the lives of approximately 73,000,000 unborn children every year, or roughly 200,000 per day worldwide. If these numbers are staggering to you, you’re not alone. But we have hope.

Despite the world pressuring them to abort, we at Hope House Women’s Clinic and Parenting Center are dedicated to supporting families in need. Thanks to our volunteers and donors, we can offer daily encouragement and empower women to choose life for their babies. We also invite them to seek a relationship with the One who can provide comfort and peace for generations to come. “Unto us, a child is born… Immanuel… God with us.”

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