Recently, a young woman visited our Women’s Clinic for an ultrasound appointment. After confirming her pregnancy with a pregnancy test, we prepared her for the ultrasound. Based on the date of her last menstrual period, she was estimated to be 7 weeks pregnant. However, the ultrasound revealed that her baby was actually 14 weeks old, which was a shock to her. Although the child was fully developed and alive, the mother chose to terminate the pregnancy. Despite attempts by our medical team to provide counsel and encouragement, she remained resolute in her decision, took the ultrasound images, and left our clinic.
Anytime a woman chooses the option to abort, our hearts grieve for both mother and child. It can feel like watching a traveler approach a bridge broken by a flood, yet they forge ahead, unaware of the lurking danger. While the decision to undergo an abortion can be emotionally shattering, we must remain steadfast in extending a hand of hope and comfort imbued with the light of the Gospel of Jesus Christ.
Take the story of missionary Jim Elliot. In January 1956, during a mission in the Ecuadorian jungle to preach the Gospel. Elliot and four other missionaries were speared to death by members of the Auca/Waodani tribe, the group they had traveled to meet. Two years later, Jim’s wife, Elizabeth, returned to the rainforest two years later to live with and minister to the same tribe that had killed her husband. Her act of love and forgiveness softened the hearts of the people, and two of her husband’s killers even became Christians!
We can be thankful to God for every interaction we have with the women we counsel, even when they choose abortion. We are called to “Speak out on behalf of the voiceless and for the rights of all who are vulnerable (Prov 31:8),” and we are spurred on to live out the great commission through the love that God has first shown to us. “This is how love is made complete among us so that we will have confidence on the day of judgment: In this world, we are like Jesus. There is no fear in love. But perfect love drives out fear (1 John 4:17-18).” What freedom we have to love those God has called us to, even when they make choices that break our hearts!
That young woman called us back after going through with the abortion to let us pray for her. We were also able to give her resources for healing and counseling. She was able to trust us even when darkness surrounded her. Despite the circumstances, the love of God shone through, and we were able to plant seeds of repentance and redemption. We will continue to pray for her and others like her. For that opportunity, we are thankful.
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