From Death to Life: A Matter of the Heart

Last week, we saw a mother at our Women’s Clinic who was in a tailspin. She was certain that abortion was her only way out and was coming just to get pregnancy verification. This was not her first time here. She had her first baby with the support of volunteers and staff of the Hope House some years ago; however, this time, the stress of being a mom made her unplanned pregnancy too much to cope with. On top of that, she was certain that this pregnancy would result in a miscarriage and she would rather have an elective abortion than suffer a miscarriage.

Regardless of her intentions, our nurses spoke truth, love, and encouragement into her situation. They made sure that she knew that there was no fear in love and that God would help her through this just as he had done in the past. She was told of her worth and that this situation was not created to destroy her but to empower her and she would have support along the way. Plans were made for her to return for an ultrasound, but she was still undecided when she left.

The next day, we received a call from her stating that she was experiencing heavy bleeding. We advised her to go to the emergency room for further evaluation. When we followed up with her, she stated that she did not want to lose her baby. Within 24 hours, her mindset had changed from wanting to save herself to wanting her baby to live! We are thankful for that change of heart and for the life that was spared.

We are pleased to announce that her baby is doing well, and she did not have a miscarriage. However, our commitment to supporting women experiencing unplanned pregnancies doesn’t end when a mother chooses to keep the baby. Sometimes, it means helping them through the challenges of loss and fear. We will continue to support this mother with prayer, resources, and assistance throughout her pregnancy and beyond.

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