When we went to bed Thursday night, the 24th, we had prayed for the storm to pass over us or to diminish and for lives and property to be spared. However, we were fully prepared to take a direct hit from this ferocious storm and prayed also for the strength and resources to recover.
The morning of the 25th, we expected the worst but were relieved to see the damage, at least in Moultrie, was minimal. Yes, there were trees down and the power was out, but overall, property damage and flooding weren’t apparent as we drove around. We were even happy to learn that Life Under the Son was still planning on holding their event on Friday night.
But then we started hearing about the devastation to our neighbors to the east and north. The shock at what Hurricane Helene unleashed in Valdosta, Adel, Douglas, Statesboro, North Georgia, and the Carolinas was heartbreaking. Survivors guilt started to set in and prayers for relief and rescue were going up. As we prayed for our neighbors, a thought occurred to us… we were blessed to be a blessing. We had to act!

So we put together a Facebook post to let everyone know that we were opening up our storehouse for anyone in need of emergency supplies of formula, diapers, and wipes. The following Monday, we were blown away by the response to the post. We started getting calls from all over with needs. It was “all hands on deck” as families began showing up to pick up items. We heard heartbreaking stories and were able to pray with moms and dads who were bewildered and stressed after being home with little ones without power, water, or internet. The stores were running out of items and a lot of stores were only accepting cash.
Between Monday and Thursday, Hope House distributed over 160 packs of diapers, over 140 packs of wipes, 70 cans of formula, and various other items to over 125 families. We also made a couple of trips to Valdosta and Adel and sent items with others making their way to affected areas.
We were amazed at God’s provision. You see, God saw this day coming before we did. Earlier this year, we received 3 huge donations from the local probation office, Southeast Corrections which swelled our supply reserve over what we would typically expect. Every time we got a call for a donation, we’d go to collect the items and they were just there! We didn’t have to turn anyone away. It was like the story of the widow’s oil in 2 Kings.

We are so grateful to the donors and support of our community for allowing us to provide hope to so many families. As we look to the near future of another imposing storm, we are trusting God and know that He has blessed us to be a blessing and we will continue to offer hope amid the storm. And “hope never disappoints.” (Romans 5:5a) Whether it’s a pack of diapers, a pregnancy test, an ultrasound, or a shoulder to cry on, the Hope House aims to be the hands and feet of Christ “God’s love has been poured out into our hearts through the Holy Spirit who has been given to us.” (Romans 5:5b)